- (763) 595-1440
- info@peterdoranlawn.com
- 14360 James Rd, Rogers, MN
Out With The Cold In With The Snow
So the polar vortex swept through Minneapolis most of last week setting new record lows and cancelling school and other activities throughout the entire week. If you thought we were going to make it through this winter without some cold and snow, well you must not have lived in Minnesota for very long.
Now that the super cold temperatures have left the state, for now anyways, it sounds like we have an opportunity for a couple rounds of snow this upcoming week. This all comes just as most residents are ready for winter to be over!
According to Accuweather.com, as of February 4th 2019, we are expected to see a dusting of snow come in around Tuesday afternoon. It doesn’t look like it will be much but it will be enough to impact your commute home from work.
And then Wednesday through Thursday, well lets just say you are going to need your snow boots. It is expected that we can see anywhere from 2 inches of snow to 8 inches of snow with a slight chance of 8 plus inches over the 48 hours.
So it looks like winter has officially arrived. We suggest gearing up and getting outside to enjoy the snow and not so cold temperatures because there is not too much longer left to winter and before you know it you will be complaining about the heat and humidity.
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