Winter Lawn Care in Minneapolis: Tackling Pests and Diseases

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Winter in Minneapolis can be tough not just on us but also on our lawns. While the snow blankets our city in white, underneath, our lawns could be facing challenges such as pests and diseases. At Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping, we’re committed to helping you maintain a healthy lawn year-round. Let’s dive into some common winter lawn issues in Minneapolis and how to effectively manage them.

Battling Snow Mold in Minneapolis Winters

Snow mold is a common issue in Minneapolis lawns as the snow recedes. This fungal disease comes in two forms: gray and pink snow mold. Gray snow mold, also known as Typhula blight, thrives under snow cover on unfrozen ground, creating large, circular, matted patches on the lawn. Pink snow mold, or Fusarium patch, can develop with or without snow cover, and is distinguished by its pinkish hue. To combat snow mold, it’s essential to rake over the affected areas gently. This action helps to aerate the grass, facilitating drying and recovery. Prevention strategies include applying a balanced fertilizer in the fall (avoiding excessive nitrogen), keeping the lawn mowed until growth stops, and removing leaves and other debris before snowfall to improve air circulation.

Managing Voles in Your Winter Lawn

Voles, small mouse-like rodents, can be particularly active during Minneapolis winters. They create visible runways and tunnels just beneath the snow surface, which can damage grass roots and lead to unsightly lawns in spring. Effective vole management involves habitat reduction. This means keeping your lawn well-mowed and free of debris, as tall grass and clutter provide shelter for voles. Additionally, installing physical barriers, like wire mesh around trees and shrubs, can prevent voles from gnawing on bark. Repellents can be used, although their effectiveness varies. Trapping is another option, with live traps set near active runways being a humane method of control. Remember, a tidy, well-maintained lawn is less inviting to voles.

Preventing Winter Desiccation for a Healthy Lawn

Winter desiccation is a condition where grass loses more moisture than it can absorb, often due to dry, windy winter conditions combined with a lack of snow cover. The result is a brown, thinning lawn come spring. To prevent this, it’s crucial to maintain proper moisture levels in your lawn before winter sets in. This includes deep, infrequent watering sessions in the fall to encourage deep root growth. Applying a winterizing fertilizer can also help, as it’s formulated to strengthen roots and increase the plant’s cold tolerance. Additionally, avoid late fall fertilization with high nitrogen content, as this can encourage blade growth at the expense of root development, making grass more susceptible to winter damage.

Avoiding Ice Damage to Your Lawn

Ice can be one of the most damaging elements to your lawn during the Minneapolis winter. When ice forms a thick layer over the grass, it creates a barrier that blocks light and air, potentially killing the grass underneath. To mitigate this, use eco-friendly deicing products on nearby walkways and driveways. Sand or calcium chloride-based deicers are preferred over rock salt, which can be harmful to plants. It’s also important to minimize foot traffic on frozen grass, as this can lead to soil compaction and damage the grass crowns. If you notice ice buildup on your lawn, resist the urge to break it up, as this can damage the grass. Instead, let it melt naturally.

Combating Crown Hydration in Cold Climates

Crown hydration is a lesser-known but potentially damaging winter lawn issue. It occurs when the grass absorbs water during unseasonably warm periods, which then freezes as temperatures drop, expanding and rupturing cell walls in the grass crowns. This can lead to significant turf damage. To prevent crown hydration, it’s important to ensure your lawn has proper drainage. Aerating in the fall can help, as it allows excess water to drain away from the grass roots. Additionally, avoid excessive watering late in the season and maintain a balanced nutrient level in your soil to help the grass withstand fluctuating winter temperatures.


At Peter Doran Lawn & Landscaping, we understand the challenges of maintaining a healthy lawn during Minneapolis winters. By being proactive and vigilant, you can protect your lawn from these common winter pests and diseases. For personalized lawn care advice or services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, let’s keep your lawn healthy and beautiful all year round!